Slumdog Millionnaire

Posted on December 15, 2008. Filed under: 2008 Movie Log |

Sushi says "Fabulous--4 Stars!"

Sushi says "Fabulous--4 Stars!"

This is a must-see on the big screen.  Slumdog Millionaire tells the story of Jamal Malik, an orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who desperately wants to find (and keep) his lost childhood love, Latika.  Jamal’s amazing backstory is revealed in visually stunning flashbacks while he is a contestant on the wildly popular Hindi version of “Who Wants to Be a Millionnaire.”   Unlike most contestants, Jamal isn’t there for the money.   Awesome soundtrack (stay for the credits).   The film makes you think—How do we know what we know?   How do we pluck into consciousness the little pieces of information we keep tucked away inside the ba-zillion file drawers of our brains?  And how do these little pieces come together to form our histories and our possibly our destinies?  Great, great movie.  Directed by Danny Boyle (Shallow Grave, Trainspotting, 28 Days Later, Millions…….)

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